rotate PDF - interactive fiction with a spin

Have you ever wondered how to rotate PDF? If yes, you are in good company!

What is it?

It's a visual novel with little text. You can explore a little environment in 2D, then there are a few puzzles of various nature. Then there's the crown jewel, the physics-based desk simulation, which centers the narrative and gameplay a common theme.

Pro tip: The common theme is rotating pdf.

  • Fun Paper Physics
  • Deep Insight into your own Psyche
  • Procedural and Composed Music
  • Short, at most 2 hours of play
  • Unique way of storytelling
  • German Localisation

The Story

The protagonist, in search of a job, arrives on the premises of an organisation, only to find a ghostly empty complex. When they finally find staff, they are asked to complete nonsensical tasks with an unclear purpose. Mystery prevails as they peek deeper into the machineries of the firm.

Critical Acclaim

So this is a bit awkward, but I don't have critical acclaim yet. If you are a critic who is interested in acclaiming it, please email me.

Is the game for me?

If you're interested in alternative and narrative focused games, yes.

If not, well, that's too bad, but maybe I can still interest you in 9x9 Tic, Tac, Toe? No? Really? Alright, you win.

Genre: ???
Platform: PC / UNIX
Engine: Godot
Audience: Game-literate Narrative Enthusiasts
About the Developer

I'm one person, my little nom de plume is fi-le.

I have extensive knowledge in Scratch development and years of hands-on experience with the cutting edge of free webinars. :^) Jokes aside! I live in Central Europe, study mathematics as an undergraduate and like playing games, mostly Nintendo and RPGs. My favorite game is Gothic 2 by PiranhaBytes.
